Melissa joins Young SIETAR board as Education Coordinator

It’s an honor and pleasure to announce that I have joined the board of Young SIETAR as their Education Coordinator for a two-year term ending in November 2013.

I am joined by Tanya Schulze as President, Sabrina Ziegler as Membership & Events Coordinator, Charmilla Kasper as Research Coordinator, Anne Richter as Training Coordinator, Martina Verschuren as Treasurer, Jacek Hutyra on Communications, and Cédric Reichel as Secretary.

Thank you so much to everyone for their vote of confidence! I am very much looking forward to collaborating with my fellow board members from across Europe and North America as we develop this organization, lead projects, and provide new opportunities for our members to engage with each other, learn about intercultural relations, practice their skills at crossing cultures, and build their careers in this field.

Let’s get started!