Melissa trains community refugee team

Melissa heartily thanks the interfaith Refugee Focus team based at Dayspring UMC for joining her in last night’s intercultural foundations training.

The Phoenix area is home to refugees from around the world, and the well-meaning people who volunteer to support them find that sometimes, good intentions alone aren’t enough to bridge the cultural gaps. They also may struggle to be the right amount of supportive - enough to be compassionate and helpful, but not so much that they stymie new arrivals’ growth and ability to flourish on their own. The first step toward navigating these questions as a team is building a baseline foundation in intercultural concepts - learning what culture is, what kinds of values we see across cultures, developing a shared vocabulary, and getting comfortable in talking about differences. I appreciate the Dayspring Team’s dedication in coming out on a very hot summer night, and I look forward to checking in with you as you continue to learn, grow, and serve.

Copyright 2017, Melissa Hahn. Photo and text may not be reused without written permission.

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