Melissa earns SIETAR USA scholarship and attends conference

Melissa attended her first SIETAR USA conference, and was among the scholarship recipients acknowledged for her contributions and commitment to the field as a student and young professional.

It was an honor and all-around amazing experience to join my colleagues and classmates at this year’s SIETAR USA conference. I attended inspiring workshops, including one by Gene Edgerton and Christopher Deal on using a story compass to build cultural competence, and one by Jon and Basma Devries on using games to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding. Alongside volunteering with conference tasks, I enjoyed connecting with everyone, learning about their lives and work, and planting the seeds of future interactions.

It was also a homecoming for me, as I used to live just a few blocks away from the conference location. Being back in my old stomping grounds while growing within my field was a wonderful collage of the cultures that have inspired me and contributed to who I am.

Thanks again to SIETAR USA for this honor and opportunity. I look forward to the next one in another city!

Photo copyright 2012, Melissa Hahn. May not reuse without written permission.